Finding Life Hacks: A poem

Duck quacks,
Typewriter clacks 
Brain racks,
Finding Life hacks

Not sitting idle,
I've put on the saddle
Ready to jump on the horse,
I'm riding in my own house

Morning workout
Evening workout,
In between also ain't free

Working from home
Working on home,
I'm keeping myself busy & honed

Free time! Say what?
I don't even have time to get bored
Keep yourself distracted,
Do something constructive

Dance with two happy feet,
Chin up, arms swinging
Mingle with imaginary whacks,
Live your life happy & wise.


  1. Haha..good one. Stay home, keep busy and relax :D

    1. Thank you. Keep it up with your vlogging as well :)

  2. This is actually a good mantra to follow :) Keep the poems coming!

  3. Enjoyed reading this. Can so relate to this poem. Haha.


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