Why JunkkDNA?

Many people after seeing my twitter handle i.e. @JunkkDNA ask me why so? what does it mean? 
junkkDNA o_O?

So to answer them all, I thought why not write a post on that. So here it goes:

Well according to the dictionary Junk DNA means stretches of DNA that do not code for genes, the DNA that constitutes approximately 95% of the human genome.

And on twitter I usually talk about things presently surrounding us, which do not code for genes (things which are passed on from generations to generations) but things which we observe (95% of the actual) and wanna bring about the change to. 

These are like Absolute Truth, which can be defined as reality - what we observe.

So this blog and my twitter timeline is about my observations, values, thinking, feelings and analysis on the happenings. Showcasing my domain!! The platter for Variety of topics, the Reality in and around us and the Change. Change... the flavor of Gen Y; constant, inevitable and directly proportional to Time. Our reality is influenced by the change and vice versa, and so does our look out.

Vide this blog and my twitter handle I would not only talk about my favorite thing i.e. travel and photography but also on things; we hear, see and experience; issues and their solutions, from environment to relationships, education to fun and entertainment, everything that exists, the reality, the Absolute Truth.

My posts / tweets will be from my perspective of course, but won't be limited to it, as i need your views too. As you are the part of my surrounding, thus your views are reality too. You may either agree or agree to disagree. I can get either a thumbs up or thumbs down, so does your opinion.

Change She is not always very simple or amazing but certainly surprising. She can be sometimes slow and sometimes chaotic and fast enough to make you run a marathon. The key is to survive without losing the hold on values. Heard Survival of the Fittest? :)

Never ever give up on Morality, no matter what. As rightly said by Gautam Buddha

"It is a man's own mind, not his enemy or foe that lures him to evil ways."

You must be thinking, how I started from the junk DNA and reached on to the Morality; no doubt, mind is a sea of thoughts. And my social networking platforms will reflect the same.

So, guys, keep reading and keep sharing to bring about the Change.



  1. But what about the extra 'k'? :P
    Nice that you wrote a post about this. Now we know :)

    1. Aise hi... Added effect ☺️
      & Thank you 😊

  2. That is really an interesting name and also an interesting reason!

  3. Lovely thoughts behind the coming up of the name...

  4. Lovely thoughts behind the coming up of the name..


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